woensdag 22 juni 2011

Imagine exponential-growth-impact of techological innovations (faster, smaller, cheaper, better)

When trying to understand the impact of exponentially growing techological innovations (faster, smaller, cheaper, better) on our Marketing Eco System, we often - unconsciously - assume a linear growth. But if you think about it, if you have a lily pad and it just divided every single day....two, four, eight, 16....in 15 days you have 32,000. What do you think you have in a month? We're at a billion.

Try to start to think exponentially to imagine how leveraging cross-disciplinary, exponentially growing technologies is affecting our Marketing Eco System.

In case of understanding consumer behavior: from cheaper, but higher-resolution MRI-scans to improving mobility of neuro imaging and next level real-time data-gathering & -visualization tools.

In case of healthcare: from low-cost gene analysis to the ability to do powerful bio-informatics to the connection of the Internet and social networking.

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About the author

Manager Marketing Intelligence Sales, Sanoma Media Netherlands david.deboer@sanomamedia.nl www.twitter.com/daviddeboer