woensdag 7 november 2012

What will become the standard metrics of Action Branding; the next-level 'advertising'

Speaking at the Changing Advertising Summit 2012, Cindy Gallop argues that the advertising business has no other choice than to transform from one value network to another. Even the advertising business is in a growth industry....it's just the way of thinking. Do not improve existing value propositions, but define next-level value propositions (and their metrics).

zaterdag 3 november 2012

The relationship between emotions, feelings, mood and behaviour

Antionio Rosa Damásio is a Portuguese behavioral neurologist. His research in neuroscience has shown that emotions play a central role in social cognition and decision-making. His work has had a major influence on current understanding of the neural systems, which underlie memory, language, consciousness Philosopher and scientist Dan Dennett argues that human consciousness and free will are the result of physical processes in the brain. He argues that the brain's computational circuitry fools us into thinking we know more than we do, and that what we call consciousness — isn't. ‘The best reason for believing that robots might some day become conscious is that we human beings are conscious, and we are a sort of robot ourselves.' This mind-shifting perspective on the mind itself has distinguished Dennett's career as a philosopher and cognitive scientist. Dan Dennett is a student of neuroscience, linguistics, artificial intelligence, computer science, and psychology. He's redefining and reforming the role of the philosopher. And while the philosophy community has never quite known what to make of Dennett (he defies easy categorization, and refuses to affiliate himself with accepted schools of thought), his computational approach to understanding the brain has made him the philosopher of choice of the AI community. Get Microsoft Silverlight
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maandag 1 oktober 2012

How to make better decisions

A look into the world of cognitive science; to discover how make decisions and how we might do that better if we understand how the brain works.

zondag 23 september 2012

vrijdag 22 juni 2012

Understanding of people is very different from asking people to fill in a survey

Technology is breeding a new generation of people that are becoming increasingly difficult to attract into the traditional business funnel. Media companies have the last few years learned the hard way what they have to do business in a different way; they have learned that they need to adapt their (combinations of) business models and to deliver real time business processes to enable people to get what they want, on the devices they prefer, in the format thay want to consume it and a price point they'll accept. But the question is how? How should media companies do business tomorrow? Mass social relationships are a relatively new phenomenon and nobody is really sure how to monetise them. Understanding of people is very different from asking people to fill in a survey, or making assumptions about them from their behaviour. This marketing eco system, that's in permanent flux, requires every media company to find the right balance to exploit the present (make money today), but also explore (do things never done before) in order to grab hold of opportunities and have a healthy business tomorrow. * What business are media companies in? * What's the media company's sustainable point-of-differentiation? * Who is the media company competing with? * Who should the media company work with, cooperate with, trust...and who should the media company walk away from? * And finally, where is the money going to come from? Successfull companies have one thing in common, they're clear about three things: 1. Who they are 2. What they are 3. What they do 4. Why it matters It is this total clarity that makes running these successfull companies a breeze (strategy by simple rules) making every day decisions, settling internal arguments, identifying relevant partnerships, allocating resources, deciding on where and how to invest and who to hire. How well media companies in the marketing eco system adapt the learnings about agile thinking and open content to their own business models will be the deciding factor in how the next digital decade plays out for them too.

donderdag 14 juni 2012

Smart m-Commerce by Bol.com

Bol.com, the largest online retailer in the Netherlands and Belgium, which features books, movies, music, games and more, has placed an enormous amount of its catalogue on Layar. Covers over 25,000 items, the top sellers, are now recognizable by Layar.

So what does this mean? It means when shopping in a store, or when a friend shows you that new book or movie he's obsessed with, Layar can automatically fetch the price and availability of that item from bol.com.

woensdag 13 juni 2012

In the fluid Marketing Eco System tomorrow belongs to the ones who: 1. Ensure 150% clarity 2. Build in flexibility for adaptability 3. Keep learning, keep growing 4. Ignore competition 5. Exploit and explore 6. Unlock extreme value 7. Create an army of fanatics 8. Collaborate!!! 9. Embrace ‘citizentricity’ 10. Work with mavericks 11. Are brave

Content, in the right context, is ultimately king

Effective commercial communication and conversation is no longer about eyeballs and impressions, but instead about premium offerings and meaningful engagement. Storytelling, advertising, and technology are beginning to intersect.
Brands must look beyond traditional marketing and experiment with great (transmedia) stories to connect with people in their channels of relevance (paid, owned, and earned media).
This video explores current state and future of brand stewardship, content marketing and monetization models, and what it takes to engage with connected consumers.

donderdag 31 mei 2012

Dealing with startups' challenges

Mary Meeker's update of Digital Mobile Commerce

In her annual analysis of the big forces at work in the digital mobile commerce industry, Mary Meeker explains the mobile monetization challenge. Key message: Re-Imagination needed of nearly everything.

donderdag 10 mei 2012

Evolution of automated trading in marketing eco system

An animated short film that tells the story of the evolution of automated media trading in the digital advertising industry.

dinsdag 17 april 2012

Perception is your neural map of reality

Perception is a process of active construction, based on prior experiences and memories. In other words, perception is your neural map of reality. Your brain constructs (an experience of) reality.

zondag 15 april 2012

Clay Shirky on data journalism "The public doesn't consume data, but stories"

Watch the full-video of Alan Rusbrider's interview with Clay Shirky at the Guardian's Open Weekend festival, april 2012

2013 will be the year of foldable tablets

Samsung created a flexible display, named Youm, which is made out of four layers: Polariser, Encap, Organic layer and TFT film. Such technology should be arriving by the end of 2012. 2013 will be the year of foldable smartphones and tablets.

woensdag 11 april 2012

Videos of Neuromarketing World Forum Amsterdam 2012

* Do people look at displays? 5% of all instore eye-movements looked at are related to displays. * The emotional valence associated with that first eye-movement with that product that goes into the cart -> 0,51 correlation * The correlation of what people say they will buy (before entering the store) and how they really behave; what they actually buy is 0,20 -> 0,20 correlation * First eye-movement; first fixation is important

zondag 8 januari 2012

Improve understanding the language of the brain by combining eye-tracking with fMRI

When you look at something, it goes into your eye, and it lands on your retina. The retina converts the information into a code of electrical pulses. This code of electrical pulses goes into the brain. The brain 'reads' these patterns of electrical activity to allow you to do things. To see, to hear, to feel, to smell, to reach for an object.
When we understand the language of the brain (the code/the patterns of electrical pulses), we are able to communicate with the brain in its language, things become possible that were not possible before.
Sheila Nirenberg shows how to create sight in people with certain kinds of blindness: by hooking into the optic nerve and sending signals from a camera direct to the brain.

dinsdag 3 januari 2012

How our brains create our sense of self

Every morning we wake up and regain consciousness. But what exactly is it that we regain? Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio uses this simple question to give us a glimpse into how our brains create our sense of self.

Sheila Nirenberg studies how the brain processes information; how it takes information in from the outside world and converts it into patterns of electrical activity. And then how it uses these patterns to allow you to do things. To see, to hear, to feel, to smell, to reach for an object. Sheila shows how to create sight in people with certain kinds of blindness: by hooking into the optic nerve and sending signals from a camera direct to the brain. Image -> Retina -> Brain. When you look at something, it goes into your eye, and it lands on your retina. On the fertinent cell, the photo-receptors. The retina converts the information into a code. Adn the code is into the form of electrical pulses that goes into the brain. Being able to communicate with the brain, in its language, and the potential power to do that. To communicate from the outside world to the brain, and to be understood. When we can Understand the code, the language of the brain, things become possible that were not possible before.
Neuroscientist Allan Jones uses visual mapping to begin to understand the way the brain works. He uses the same way we begin to understand a city: by making a map. In this visually stunning talk, Allan Jones shows how his team is mapping which genes are turned on in each tiny region in the brain, and how it all connects up.


About the author

Manager Marketing Intelligence Sales, Sanoma Media Netherlands david.deboer@sanomamedia.nl www.twitter.com/daviddeboer