donderdag 10 juni 2010

9 iPad learnings gathered on Sanoma's journey

The year 2010 is the year of Touch & Tablets.... and the year of the unfolding Marketing Eco System. Although the ultimate media-format has not been invented yet, Sanoma gathered some learnings on the 'multitouch'-journey.

But first two beliefs:
1. There are no magazine-apps, but mediabrand-apps;
2. In the end there won't be 1 perfect universal Autoweek-app, but many perfect Autoweek-apps.

In this unfolding Marketing Eco System all content goes digital AND goes mobile. New media-formats will emerge. Everything gets tagged and walled gardens open up. Lot's of (formerly) bundled content breaks free of old trapped business models and will be further atomized online.

Atomized mobile digital content drive micro-payments, which move from niche to mainstream payment models.

Don't build pay walls for your readers around the bundle, but activate people to give permission for a micro-payment for each atom that engages them to see, or read, or play, or listen a bit more of it. Monetize the instant gratification need.

Conclusion: Find out how to activate people to give as many micropayment-permissions as possible from the moment they jump into the real-time river of emerging media-formats; formats 'stuffed' with branded content & affiliate marketing deals.

David de Boer, Manager Marketing Intelligence Sales, Sanoma

About the author

Manager Marketing Intelligence Sales, Sanoma Media Netherlands