zaterdag 29 mei 2010

Moving beyond the business model of pushing ads; the art of commercial conversations

The effort and attention of marketing has always been focused on one aspect of marketing (pushing ads). We have to get used to leave this one dimensional view behind us, when one begins to realize that pushing ads is not a future proof business model. A more data-driven approach can transform - push-driven - advertising into more relevant - pull driven - sparkling (commercial) conversations.
As your mobile device becomes more and more the remote control for your daily live, you provide Sanoma - with your approval - the necessary data to improve our competence to serve you relevant and useful content, services, answers, solutions or utilities at the right time and the right place.

Do you belief in what we - Sanoma - belief in? Will you allow us to master the art of sparkling (commercial) conversations?

David de Boer, Head of Marketing Intelligence Sales, Sanoma

woensdag 12 mei 2010

Aggregate content for individuals in ways that matter to them

How do I keep up with all the new sources of information?
How do I find the right file?
How do you integrate data?

zaterdag 8 mei 2010

The powers in the unfolding Marketing Eco System; building the internet Operation System

The internet is becoming an operating system that manages access by mobile devices to cloud subsystems ranging from computation, storage, and communications to location, identity, social graph, search, and payment. There are five main competing contenders: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft. Those 'big five' all have credible platforms with strong developer eco systems.

In the unfolding marketing eco system, the key question is

Will a single company put together a single, vertically-integrated platform? Or will we see services from multiple providers horizontally integrated via open standards?

In the short term, we'll see heightened competition, shifting alliances, and a wave of innovation, as companies fight for advantage in delivering next generation applications, and then use those applications to drive adoption of their respective platforms.

How long will it take before the big five (Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook) will realize that it is in their interest to work together.....and make a start to adopt the horizontal, open strategy? And, last but not least, what will be the unique 'added value role' of the 'other' media companies, on top of the building blocks of the big five?'

David de Boer, Head of Marketing Intelligence Sales, Sanoma

(Source: Tim O'Reilly, State of the internet Operating System, part 1 and part 2)

About the author

Manager Marketing Intelligence Sales, Sanoma Media Netherlands